I got a new ink jet for it(black), the right number, and it doesn't work. My PC won't accept it. My sister said I probably got a finger print on it, so I blotted it, and it still doesn't work.It's a #1820, an older model.(2003)
Fifteen answers:
2006-07-20 07:55:17 UTC
Is it a HP cartridge, or one of the generic refills? I have had that happen with a refill, and took it back to the store where he told me that they had had several problems with them. You might try taking yours back to the store and exchanging it for a different one.
Belfast m
2006-07-20 14:59:43 UTC
Does the printer make all the correct noises as if it's trying to print, but the page is blank? If so, look on the bottom of the cartridge and you'll see a matrix of small holes. This is where the ink gets jetted out. If the cartridge has had a long shelf-life the ink can sometines dry and block the holes. Use alcohol or methalyted spirit to clean these. If that doesn't help, return the cartridge to where you bought it and get a new one!
2006-07-20 14:55:48 UTC
Take the printer and the ink jet cartridge to the store you purchased it froml. Either you got the wrong cartridge or its possible the cartidge is past its expiration date. For some printer manufacturers, if an inkjet cartridge is past its expiration date, it won't print even if the cartridge is full!
2006-07-20 14:54:30 UTC
ink jet printers are so finicky, try cleaning and aligning the cartridges, you can also hand clean the cartridges with a q-tip, don't touch with your fingers or you'll transfer oil
also, if the printer is older, it could just be a driver problem, and you may need to download a new print driver
2006-07-20 14:56:48 UTC
Just maybe your printer died and it is not an ink problem.
If you have to buy a new printer, I recommend getting a Canon inkjet.
Here is why.
- separate color cartridges, so when red goes out, you just replace that one.
- cartridges are cheaper, so this saves money
- more reliable paper handling - I have thrown away HPs before, and switched.... I love my Canon
- better color - my professional photographer friends also recommend Canon
If you BUY your new Canon at STAPLES, bring the unopened HP cartridges... they will take them in trade.
j h
2006-07-20 14:57:07 UTC
I would try and return it... they might not take it. Go to wal-mart when they are busy. Tell them it doesn't work and you need another one. wal-mart will take anything back. they make hundreds of billions a year. If you don't have a wal-mart nearby you could try returning it where you bought it. Sounds like you just got a bad one... I've NEVER had a problem with a HP printer and I've had several over the years. I honestly believe you got a bad cartrige. good luck
2006-07-20 14:54:26 UTC
Is it installed correctly? Didi you take the plastic tab off the ink nozzle before inserting it? Couple of things you might check...
If everything looks OK you may consider exchanging the cartridge for a new one. Good luck.
2006-07-20 18:51:15 UTC
To get the correct answer to your question we need better details, you said your pc won't accept it. Or is it that the printer just won't print at all or prints blank sheets. Please provide the correct details for a correct answer.
2006-07-20 14:57:52 UTC
Problem is that you haven't mentioned what is the error message that you get there. Now, this link I've given you below will take you to HP Customer Care where you can complain about this. Please remember to give all the details in your complaint and they should be able to help you practically.
2006-07-20 14:54:36 UTC
No offense to you, my friend, but if its anything HP, I don't touch it! When you call support you're calling India and they are unable to help much. Worthless. Buit I hope you get your problem solved. I wish I knew how to help you. Good luck. Buy a Canon and never worry again!
2006-07-20 14:53:56 UTC
take it to a computer dealer he might be able to help u. most probally u must have touched the copper lining on the cartrage.
2006-07-20 14:55:24 UTC
go here and type in your printer model number in the search category and you should see accessories along with it.